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our previous sermons on YouTube:

Sermons also available as podcasts to stream or download on these services:

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Our Congregation

Our Congregation

Helpful resources for our members and regular attenders

Church Directory

Stay connected with one another using our church directory! Our directory is hosted by Church Center.  If you are unable to log in, or if you notice incorrect or missing information in our directory, please contact our us here.

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Membership Vow Videos

We've put together a set of quick videos of our Elders breaking down each of the 5 Membership Vows. Click here to check them out on Youtube. 

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Worship Music Playlist

Ever wonder where to listen to the songs we sing on Sunday? We've got the playlist for you! Check them out here on Spotify or Apple Music.

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Weekly Newsletter

Stay up to date with the latest church announcements, events, service opportunities, and more by subscribing to our church newsletter. The newsletter is sent every Wednesday, along with occasional special announcements. Subscribe here.


Read the Bible 2025

As a church, we want to challenge one another to develop a practice for getting into the Bible daily. Here are some resources for reading or listening:


• Read Scripture - Lays out scripture into helpful historical sections and each reading is connected to The Bible Project videos and a psalm for meditation


• YouVersion Bible App - Read or listen to Scripture, as well as link and listen to these great podcast: Tim Keller Gospel in Life, Solid Joys devotional (John Piper), John Piper sermons, Ask Pastor John, Desiring God Audio, The Bible Project, Crazy Love Podcast with Francis Chan

Resources from marriage & Singleness Sunday school class

In our Sunday School class on Marriage & Singleness, we recently held a discussion on pornography and sexual sin. Listed here are the resources that were mentioned, as well as others on a variety of topics. 

Resources from Sunday School
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