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Time & Place

Sundays @ 10:30 AM EST

4355 Hwy 136

Trenton, GA 30752

Time & Place
Our Story

Our story


What is our dream?

To see Trenton and Dade County renewed Spiritually, Socially, and Culturally. We long to see the Kingdom of God come in Trenton in all its fullness. That is our hope and dream as a church. 



How will we realize this dream?

By enjoying Jesus together, then moving out in love and service to Trenton. The Kingdom of God is something only God can bring in its fullness, but he does so in part through us: his people and his church. 


What core values define us?

Gospel: the Good News of Jesus Christ that is not only how you begin the Christian life, but also how you grow day by day. 

Community: the relationships we enjoy with each other within the church marked by authenticity, love, and accountability. 

Mission: good news must be shared, and we long for the Good News of God's grace in Jesus to be embraced and enjoyed by all in Dade County.

Our Beliefs

Grace Community Trenton is a member of the Presbyterian Church in America, a group of churches committed to the truth and inerrancy of the Bible and whose beliefs are summarized in the Westminster Confession of Faith and Catechisms. Our national denomination is divided into local communities, which we call Presbyteries. Grace Community is a church within the Tennessee Valley Presbytery, and our pastor, Hutch Garmany, serves under the authority of the PCA churches in that presbytery. Our church and pastor are modeling what we ask you to be a part of; an accountability structure.


For more about the PCA and its doctrinal beliefs please visit the denominational website at:

Our Beliefs


Pic of Hutch and family here

Hutch Garmany


Hutch was born and raised in Chickamauga, GA. He graduated from the University of Georgia in 2001 with a degree in Landscape Architecture, and then spent four years on staff with Campus Crusade for Christ at UGA and Ole Miss. After four years in college ministry, Hutch spent three years at Reformed Theological Seminary in Orlando, FL, earning his Masters of Divinity in 2008. In July of 2008, Hutch was called to Rock Creek Fellowship on Lookout Mountain, GA, as Assistant Pastor of Discipleship.


​In February 2014, Rock Creek sent Hutch to plant Grace Community Trenton.

Hutch is married to Ashleigh and they have five children, H, Win, Grey, Bo, and Mae.


Hutch loves to hunt, fish, and follow Georgia Football.

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Corey Dupree
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Greg Duble
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Troy Duble
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Mike Kennamer
Michael Hunter.JPG
Michael Hunter
Matthew Bazzel
Rex Blevins
Bill Cairns
Youth Leaders
Jackson Whitted
Luke MacDonald
Sarah MacDonald
Kelly Whitted
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Alexis Dupree
Caitlyn Whitted
Alex Stayte
Blake Dellenback
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