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worship from home

Live on Sundays @ 10:30 a.m. EST

Watch services online on our YouTube channel or Facebook page by clicking the links below.

Previous services and sermons are further down.

open for

public worship

Grace Community Trenton is public worship at our church building. However, guidelines are currently in place for the health and safety of those in attendance. If you plan to join us in person, please review these guidelines listed below.


Livestreams of services will be made available and posted on YouTube and Facebook, with links available below.

Updates to these guidelines were added on August 13th, 2020. Watch this video here for more info.

Guidelines for returning to worship:

  • We encourage everyone to wear masks, including older children

    • Please keep masks on during worship in song

    • Small children being held or remaining next to their parents are not required to wear a mask

  • Head outside directly after service

  • We are making effort to keep our service to one hour maximum

  • Avoid physical contact at this time

  • Maintain social distancing: allow for 6 feet of space between you/your family/your housemates and others 

  • Childcare/nursery service will not be provided, but the changing station and cry room will be available

  • Everyone is asked to disinfect surfaces behind themselves in the bathroom (paper towels and cleaner provided)

  • The front and rear doors of the building will be propped open to increase airflow and avoid touching door handles 

All congregants and families should self-monitor and stay home if they or a family member have underlying health conditions, fever, cough, other symptoms, or have been exposed to others with COVID-19.


Our session will continue to monitor the current situation, and updates to these guidelines and our worship format will be sent out as they become available.

Past worship services and sermons are available on YouTube. Click the buttons to open the YouTube playlist.

Past Services and Sermos
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